Order of the Dragon

The Order of the Dragon (OOD) Program consists of four Awards. These awards are the Ancient Order, the Honorable Order,  the Legionnaire Award, and the Carol Ann Watson Spouse Award.

The CCRA gives these awards to recognize “Dragon Soldiers” (and their spouses), Civilians, and other individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral character, an outstanding degree of professional competence, and have contributed to the promotion of the Chemical Corps in numerous ways over the course of their career.

NOTICE: Effective 8 October 2019, the nomination and approval criteria for the Order of the Dragon Program has changed! Please review the criteria for each award before nominating or approving and award.

How To Wear The Order Of The Dragon Medallion

Military Members

Army Blue or Army White Mess Uniform: The Order of the Dragon medallion will be worn with the ribbon around the neck, outside the shirt collar and inside the coat collar. The medallion will hang at full length of the ribbon.

Army Blue, Army White or Army Green Uniform: The Order of the Dragon medallion will hang with the ribbon around the neck, outside the shirt collar and inside the coat collar. The medallion will hang over the four-in-hand necktie near the collar and above the top button of the coat or just under the bow tie near the collar and above the top button of the coat. Proper positioning may require pinning the ribbon together approximately three inches from the ends.

The medallion will be worn with the dragon facing out and in view. The Order of the Dragon may be worn at any official Army, Service, or Department of Defense event or occasion, or other specific event or occasion approved by the Chief of Chemical.


Males: Men will wear the medallion around the neck with the ribbon over the shirt collar and inside the coat collar. Whether worn with a bow tie or four-in-hand tie, the medallion will hang at the full length of the ribbon. When the four-in-hand tie is worn, the medallion will hang over the tie.

Females: The Carol Ann Watson Award is designed to be worn on a ribbon or as a broach. Ladies may wear the award either around the neck with it hanging at the full length of the ribbon or as a broach and appropriate for their specific gown or dress.

The medallion will be worn with the dragon facing out and in view. The Order of the Dragon medallion may be worn at any official Army, Service, or Department of Defense event or occasion, or other specific event or occasion approved by the Chief of Chemical.

Special Awards

By exception the Board of Directors may approve the OOD for individuals that do not meet the specific criteria of the award types if they deem that the individual has provided conspicuous service to the Chemical Corp and the CCRA.

Special Accouterments:

The CCRA Board of Governors may approve special accouterments for selected individuals as they deem necessary and appropriate.


Individuals awarded the OOD are responsible for purchase of their accouterments.

Induction into the Order of the Dragon:

Every effort should be made to present award of the OOD to individuals in a suitable ceremony.