Monthly Archives: August 2023

The Chemical Corps’ Professional Association Thanks Those Who Have Served So Selflessly

By |2023-08-28T17:36:56-05:00August 28th, 2023|News|

The Chemical Corps' Professional Association Thanks Those Who Have Served So Selflessly August 28th, 2023 We are deeply grateful to Chuck McArthur, Pete Vega, Jon Byrom, Joe Bonds, Ken Graham, and Wendell Mclain, who have each dedicated several years of their time, energy, and expertise to the CCRA as a valued member of our board

Brigadier General (Retired) William King Assumes the Duties of the Chemical Corps Regimental Association’s Chairman of the Board of Directors

By |2023-08-17T13:07:09-05:00August 17th, 2023|News|

Brigadier General (Retired) William King Assumes the Duties of the Chemical Corps Regimental Association's Chairman of the Board of Directors August 17th, 2023 In a unanimous decision by the association's officers, BG(Ret) William King was selected to serve in an interim 24 month term as the Chemical Corps Regimental Association's Chairman of the Board of


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